Cookies Policy


This website uses cookies for Google Analytics to help us keep track of the areas we're reaching. Don't worry - no personal information is stored. But here is our policy and some of the most frequently asked questions about cookies:

What's a Cookie?

Whenever you visit a site like ours, your device downloads a number of small files called "cookies." The cookies are widely used online to make services work and operate more efficiently, and to provide the owners of the websites with information regarding how their site is performing. The cookies also allow the website to recognise your unique device, this meaning preferences are remembered, navigation between pages is quicker, alongside many other useful things.

If you'd like more detailed information about cookies, you can find everything you'll need to know over at and

What Cookies We Use

We use cookies for to help us see how well our site is performing and what the user experience is like. This includes the following:

Strictly Necessary Cookies
Cookies for functionality report the choices that have been made on the site, which allows us to tailor our website to you. For example, if you set your location, these cookies store the location and show it to you next time you visit our site.

Example of a functionality cookie on this site:
cookie_consent – A cookie set to record that you accept our use of cookies.

Performance Cookies
These are used for internal purposes to help us provide you with the best user experience. These help us understand how we can improve the site to improve the experience of our visitors.
‘Performance’ cookies can be turned off, however doing so may affect our ability to improve our site for you.
Example of a performance cookie on this site:
_ga, _gid: Cookies set by Google Analytics, these identify the number of unique users on this website, helping us keep track of reach.

Third Party Cookies
Some pages on our website may use third party services or software, such as social networking features. These third party services may set their own cookies on your device.

Opting-Out Of Cookies

Cookies serve a number of valuable purposes but you may make a personal decision not to allow them or to limit them. You can manage cookies in a way that suits you by accepting or denying cookies when you first land on this site, or by changing your browser’s settings. This will let you disallow cookies from sites on site by site basis and to block cookies from sites that you do not trust. For more information about how to disable cookies in your browser, please visit To block third party cookies, such as Google Analytics that we use to record behaviour on our site, please do so here.