Any good leader knows that the key to delivering business results is through people. After all, it's people who carry out the day-to-day work that keeps the wheels turning. That's why leadership development, change management, and coaching are essential skills for any manager looking to drive results. By investing in their team's development, leaders can create a more engaged and productive workforce. And when employees are engaged and productive, the whole organisation benefits.

Of course, leadership development and coaching aren't the only things that matter when it comes to driving results through people. Internal communication and a people-focused culture is also critical. With clear communication and a supportive culture, managers can ensure that their team is aligned and delivering the best results.

Delivering business results through people isn't always easy. But that is why Oppo Consulting is here - to help you to lead your business to success.

Founded by leadership, and learning and development expert Charlie Black, Oppo Consulting connects leadership, change, and learning through people strategy. Combining psychodynamic coaching, extensive leadership experience, and effective communication practices for leadership and organisational development.

Who We Are

We work with leaders, managers, teams, and whole organisations who are ready to really and honestly put people are the centre of what they do. Whatever outcomes you are trying to achieve - profit, change, performance, people development, or employee engagement, we will guide you through a long-term and supportive relationship.

  • Leadership Coaching

    By using our Enneagram-based coaching, we can help new managers and leaders alike become more self aware to better resolve conflicts. Our coaching will also support leaders to be more authentic in their leadership positions which leads them towards being courageous with their decisions while leading others effectively!

  • Learning Design

    A learning and development culture is a key ingredient to employee satisfaction and business success. Creating it ensures that your organisation thrives, builds skills capability for employees to increase customer satisfaction while also moving at pace with changing market conditions or industry demands - we'll work closely together on developing what you need so as not only produce results but positively impact lives!

  • Change Management

    Effective change management is not about churning out tools and processes, but rather focusing on the people who will be using them. This means framing change positively for both your employees’ happiness as well as that of their organisation; we can help you do just this!

  • Internal Communication

    Good internal communication is the foundation for supporting leadership decision making, enhancing managerial skills and winning employee support. We'll work with you to improve your company's culture by focusing on effective messaging so that everyone feels engaged in what they're doing every day!

  • Leadership Coaching

    Leadership is not measured by your job title, it is measured by your ability to inspire and motivate others into action - Leadership happens at all levels.

    We use Enneagram coaching and the iEQ9 report to reveal core motivations and defence strategies to develop awareness of how they filter the world. Coaching stretches and challenges, taking people out of their comfort zone to show-up as their authentic selves, connect with people, and inspiring others to follow them.

  • Learning Design

    Learning design has come a long way in recent years and we are here to help you to design and delivery programmes that actually work.

    We will work with you to understand your learning objectives, and co-create an engaging curriculum with learner experience at the heart. Whether it is blended learning, microlearning, e-learning, coaching, mentoring, training - or all of the above we know how to deliver engaging learning for organisational performance.

  • Change Management

    People have the ability to make change happen or stop it in it’s tracks - they are the most important factor in making a change and sustaining it.

    We will work alongside you to develop and implement an integrated approach to change management and your people agenda. Together we will develop organisation capability, co-create and implement sustainable change by readying your people to take ownership and accountability for change.

  • Internal Communications

    Internal communication influences your whole organisation - it can motivate and inspire people and influence on organisational culture and performance.

    We will work with you on internal communication strategy and processes to make sure that your people are knowledgeable and engaged, and your leaders are connected with the reality of operations. Whether it is selecting and implementing the right technology or designing message content and delivery, we can help you get it right.